Thursday, January 3, 2013

When technology works in your favor!

For those of you that use My Fitness Pal to log all your calories and exercise, have you ever gotten tired of how long it would sometimes take to find certain foods? And if you couldn't find them and wanted to be accurate, you had to take the time to enter the product in yourself?

That was one of the biggest reasons I would stop logging every once in a while, I got so tired of how much time it could take to log my foods.

Worry no more my friends!!! I'm not sure if this is exclusive to iPhone owners or if it works for all smart phones but two days ago when I was adding food to my dairy, I noticed this to the right of the search bar...


Isn't that freakin AWESOME!? I absolutely LOVE this feature! It makes it SO much faster to enter in food if you have the box/container that your item came in. Just scan, adjust amounts an servings according and BAM! Add it!

If you couldn't tell I love it when I figure out something "techy" :) I also love hen that technology works in our favor to help us achieve our goals easier!

Happy Thursday Friends! Hope the first week of the New Year is treating you well!! :-)